From mono colour to varied colour mix
This is what we offer! The elegant Calla and the seasonal Clivia. Between week 7 and 45 you can choose Callas in at least 7 colours. Between week 46 and week 6 our basic range of white, pink, purple and yellow is available to add a touch of luxury to every plant display. For current availability please contact our sales department.
If you have specific requirements with regard to delivery by date or by colour, or you would prefer your own choice of colour mix, we can accommodate that. Contact us to discuss the possibilities that best fit with your customers.
Target important gift days
Put together your own selection and benefit from the important gift days such as Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day and Christmas. Calla is a luxury plant that lifts the entire plant display. With extra attention paid to cachepots, packaging, sleeves and labels, the consumer’s eye is drawn to the plant display. Talk to us and make your collection unique every season!
Go straight to our webshop and scroll through our current offering on FloraXchange or Plantconnect.